Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Split over gay adoption widens

The dispute over whether to allow same-sex adoption has been going on decades. The opposition warns that abortions would increase if gay couples were allowed to adopt. Currently, a bill on allowing gay couples to adopt will be debated and granted a conscience vote by all MPs of NSW. On the other hand, the bill is being tried to be amended to ensure that people who offer children for adoption will not face legal action under the discrimination laws if they refuse to let their to be adopted by a gay couple. Upon successfully implement the bill, NSW will be one of the three states, together with Western Australia and ACT to allow gay couples to adopt. In addition, the bill is also supported by Benevolent Society charity and UnitingCare Burnside, a child and welfare agencies in NSW, claiming it would benefit children and boost foster carer numbers.
source: Daily Telegraph

This is an interesting issue. I personally think that the bill should be passed as it no doubt, can help to distribute more orphans to couples who wanted to adopt, no matter they are gay. same-sex couples also have their rights to have normal live as others and i think that they will love their child who they adopt as much as parents do. Children are the future assets and thus they should be cared and fostered well.

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